I would like to try a phoneme-based setting on the conformer ctc architecture (encoder only as I see that decoder can not be used in this case due to sos/eos symbols).
I'm not sure you have te…
hello, I train my data with your code with successful,but I meet a problem for i cannot how to use the model
to train my data,thanks!
Hi! I've been using the library for a few days now, particularly the deep learning API and I'm very impressed by its ease of use, documentation and performance.
However I couldn't find support for BLS…
The benchmark in https://github.com/baidu-research/warp-ctc is much faster than eesen's implementation.
I've found that eesen has a tensorflow branch, and I guess that it uses tensorflow's RNN and CTC routine. So I want to test it, but have no idea what the "data_dir" has to contain. I want to use …
Dear Ondrej,
I'm trying to run your code on TIMIT dataset, first I run it its run correctly till iteration: 16 i have this ERROR:
iteration: 16
training cost: 216740.999548
training cer: 0.4090
I am not familiar with ASR tasks, so I'd be so glad if anyone answer my question:
I am training ContextNet which is basically rnn-t type model as in the original paper.
Because I need only encoder…
I get the following error after first minibatch of training:
> RuntimeError: GetColumnIndex: Attempted to access a time step that is accessing a portion of a sequence that is not included …
Using the default `conformer_ctc/train.py` and `conformer_ctc/decode.py` scripts of the Aishell example, I can get a training total loss=0.2 and a validation total loss=0.16 at epoch=7, and a de…
use 60*180size to train ,num_classes = 12 then i got it
loading train data, please wait---------------------
('get image: ', 15000)
loading validation data, please wait---------------------