I'd like to use tapir for a project, but am really not comfortable with having `magnolia` in my classpath given the history of it's creator.
I wanted to float the idea of moving this bit into a su…
**Describe the Issue**
`com.softwaremill` magnolia is the successor of the `com.propensive` magnolia. The latter wouldn't be supported anymore in the future. Having two magnolia's on the classpath mi…
If I understand correctly, it is not currently possible to access default arguments in case classes during typeclass derivation. I can find no way to do it, and the fact that Magnolia [can no longer d…
I'm trying to create a Tapir route with jsonBody[T], where T is a case class with a coproduct type. But I've stumbled upon definition of SchemaFor for such a case class.
I was able to succes…
Because it is not needed for semi-auto derivation and adds only some noise.
The only problem is with coproducts because `Diff` is contravariant in `T`.
implicit val dACoproduct…
**Describe the bug**
I'm using Pants to build Scala. This bug appeared in Pants version > 2.9. Pants starts new nailgun servers from time to time instead of reusing already running instances during *…
Right now deriving schema for operations (queries, mutations, subscriptions) requires defining a case class in form of
case class MyOpInput(p1: Int, p2: String)
case class Foo(myOp: MyOpInput …
Tapir version: 0.19.0-M4
Scala version: 3.0.1 / 3.1.0-RC2
**Describe the bug**
What is the problem?
A `StackOverflowError` gets thrown when you call an endpoint like this:
Given some interface `Result` with `@GQLInterface` that is a sealed trait and some implementations of `Result`, if all queries only return implementations of `Result`, none of the return types will be…
Currently magnolia 2.0 exposes the given method `Derivation#derived`, which makes auto-derivation the default behaviour for any type class. In some cases it may be undesirable.
Expected behaviour f…
mbore updated
3 years ago