## 一言でいうと
メタラーニングの手法MAMLを改良したiMAMLの提案。MAMLは(各タスクに共通する)ベストな初期位置を探す手法だが、1.初期パラメーター 2.各タスクのパラメーター 3.出力という流れのため誤差伝搬のフローが長く勾配消失が起る。そこで1=2という正則化制約を入れ2から1を学習できるよう改善。
### 論文リンク
OSError: /maml_rl/vendor/mujoco/libmujoco131.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Consider the option to have an RScript which uses Azure MAML inputs and outputs published to Azure ML Lab experiments, and publish as Web Services if possible.
Provide validation checks to make sure s…
from maml_rl.policies.empowerment_skills import EmpowermentSkills
In the original paper, the authors claimed that MAML needs second gradient and Hessian-vector products. Could you explain how do you implement this or Pytorch just do this automatically? Thanks!
I have a problem.Can i ask you a fevor about MAML or Bert in your code?Thanks.Can I communicate with you by email if I can.
To the point: Why does higher need to deep copy the parameters of the base model (usually the initialization params)?
# More expanded question
I noticed this line of code:
### Summary of the new feature / enhancement
In reference to: https://dev.azure.com/ceapex/Engineering/_workitems/edit/404408
We need to define a meta data key that PlatyPS can render to yaml -- p…
Is there any way to predict the image class when a single image is passed through the trained MAML model like it's done in ResNet or other pre-trained or custom trained models?
# How to train your MAML | Yuho Jeong
Archive of my graduate studies