1. Poszukać działających programów/stron które to robią.
2. Sporządzić listę stron z których będziemy sprawdzać (wstępna lista, modułowa architektura)
3. W jaki sposób informacja trafia do użytkowni…
# Bug Report
## Problem
Several days ago community directory can be opened without significant delay, currently it is in endless loading state
#### Expected behavior
can see communities
Just for following KISS principle - there is many small tools that can send messages wherever: curl can relay message to any messenger with HTTP API (and most of that messengers even have examples for…
### Question
## Abstract
The shopware-cli command is more or less a blackbox. The current version of the documentation on https://sw-cli.fos.gg/ mostly lists only the different commands but does not…
Ability to reuse attachments in messages with attachment API:
- [ ] Options
- [ ] More screen cmd
- [ ] Add encryption
- [ ] GUI for exobyte
- [ ] Realtime clock
- [x] Weather API command
- [ ] BTC API command
- [ ] Messenger/chat function
- [ ] File pro…
Would you like assistance or advice?
Advice, please!
Issue description
When I drag and drop multiple images to a facebook messenger, they are sent as a group
How do I do this as a bot?
When a user taps on gpx/kml in a file manager or messenger they can select OM to handle the file.
OM then opens and shows a short-timed pop up that tracks/bookmarks were imported. But the map doesn…
pastk updated
5 months ago
Which protocol is LAN Messenger using to communicate? Does it provide an API to integrate with other services? A bridge to other (local) chat services would be greatly appreciated.