The module is working fine, everything is created and all is ok.
But I am unable to output instanceProfileName, could you please explain how outputs works?
Tried to use module on Azure Cloud Shell:
Initializing modules...
Downloading mineiros-io/repository/github 0.5.1 for repository...
- repository in .terraform/modules/repository
Error: Uns…
i wanted to clarify regarding the usage of using Cognito with MFA token.
mfa_configuration = "ON"
allow_software_mfa_token = true
Does this require the block for softw…
Hi there,
As mentioned here https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-github/pull/464#issuecomment-651254293, we are facing breaking behavior in a minor release.
We applied the …
It seems that we are not treating the default values in the right way. Setting nonexisting values to null will the recreation of some resources on every run.
Warning: wsdl error: Getting https://barramento.caixa.gov.br/sibar/ConsultaCobrancaBancaria/Boleto/Externo?wsdl - HTTP ERROR: Unsupported HTTP response status 405 Method Not Allowed (soapclient->respo…
Engenheiros precisam ser reduzidos para no máximo dois.
Não precisamos de mais de um roboticista.
Três botanistas é um exagero para uma botânica tão pequena.
Clowns, se já não forem, devem ser únic…
![@turicas's avatar](https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/2139983a9baaabded6905b2970a036cb?d=https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com%2Fimages%2Fgravatars%2Fgravatar-user-420.png)
**@turicas** create…