SINGA has multiple example models at http://singa.apache.org/docs/examples/
Some are implemented from scratch and some are converted from ONNX, which has a bigger model zoo https://github.com/onnx/m…
The following model from UIF 1.2 model zoo is a pre-quantized resnet50. It cannot be verified by MIGraphX driver out of the box.
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-…
# Prerequisites
Please answer the following question for yourself before submitting an issue.
- [ y] I checked to make sure that this issue has not been filed already.
## 1. The entire URL of…
1. Framework: Pytorch
2. Framework version:1.7.1
3. Horovod version: latest
4. MPI version: mpirun (Open MPI) 4.0.5
5. CUDA version: 11.1
6. NCCL version: 2.8.3-cuda11.1
7. Py…
由于uer的modelzoo里面没有提供英文bert的下载地址,所以去 huggingface 下载了一个再转换格式。
可能是您用的旧版本的huggingface bert. 我刚下载的 huggingface bert (https://huggingface.co/bert-base-uncased/tree/main), key 已经变了
I am unable to find/download the model.
Downloading /home/fanos/Documents/ModelZoo/official\resnet50-853f2fb0.zip from https://hangzh.s3.amazonaws.com/encoding/models/resnet50-853f2fb0.zip…
## ❔Question
yolov5s6-pose pretrained model: http://software-dl.ti.com/jacinto7/esd/modelzoo/gplv3/08_02_00_11/edgeai-yolov5/pretrained_models/checkpoints/keypoint/coco/edgeai-yolov5/other/person_det…
Each model has a different license -- in this repository, we've seen MIT, BSD, and Apache licenses. With ONNX's adoption in the LFAI foundation as a graduated project, we should move towards standardi…
## ❔Question
yolov5s6-pose pretrained model: http://software-dl.ti.com/jacinto7/esd/modelzoo/gplv3/08_02_00_11/edgeai-yolov5/pretrained_models/checkpoints/keypoint/coco/edgeai-yolov5/other/person_det…