I have been following your work for a while and I have created a GPS- AHRS stack using modules from the Xadow family. You can see my mbed code here: https://developer.mbed.org/users/whatnick/code/Xado…
**reasoning, let's make a desktop picture frame, now we set it down and it's landscape, but then we pick it up, and set it back down portrait. let's automatically detect the change and use appropriat…
I spent some time trying to get my MPU-6050 breakout board to work (GY-521). Raw data is fine but I need ypr angles and I want to take advantage of the DMP onboard so I tested i2cdevlib libraries and …
Hello, I would like to ask that how to get the bias of Acc and Gyro? I'm not really sure for that......
I let the IMU be flat on the table with Z-axis toward up, and then I get the average value of 10…
I'm using raw data example in the loop. I first initialize the mpu6050 by NoDMPsetup() without DMP initilizing but always sampling rate is 100 hz. mpu.setRate is not functioning
void loop()
@jonmagic is an english version of the robot hardware assembly anywhere? I took a quick look but didn't see it.
1. we should also make a parts list. if you share yours I'll probably order a bunch of…
it works perfectly also with my Teensy 4.1 (the microcontroller I use for this project) .
The only thing that I cannot see is the calibration OFFSETS in the serial output, because I see:
// X Accel …
How difficult is to get support for the ICM-20601. I am new to embedded project,
After initing the IMU I can keep reading valid yaw, pitch, roll values as long as I do it quickly. If I stop reading values for like 10 seconds the getYawPitchRoll() function starts returning NaN's. I…
### SOFTWARE modification
Code https://github.com/jrowberg/i2cdevlib/blob/3dc9538074b88393a125d6ef8a198e2b7870ddb8/Arduino/MPU6050/MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h#L325-L332 changed to