ChurchCRM 4.4.5.
Browser doesn't matter.
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.10-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64).
AWS t2.micro instance with Amazon Linux amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-2.0.20220406.1-x86_64-gp…
The synchronization of VideoJS breaks off when I activate "Synchronize metadata". Unfortunately I don't get an error message in the log file ($conf['log_level'] = 'DEBUG';).
php error message is:
First, thanks for the useful tool!
On a working Prestashop on a PHP 7.4 with extension pdo_mysql, the phppsinfo tells me extension mysqli is missing.
If I add extension mysqli (so p…
Make UTStats work with PHP7.
Необходимо переписать каждый метод класса ContentManager mysqli -> PDO
Todos os dias, enviar automaticamente o resumo via whatsapp em determinado horário.
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/ccmbenchmark/ting/issue/27) by Pascal Roux (Bitbucket: [pizzavomito](https://bitbucket.org/pizzavomito), GitHub: [pizzavomito](https://github.com/pizzavomito)…
wrong (sql injection vulnerable):
$query = sprintf('SELECT CountryCode FROM City WHERE name="%s"', // double quotes in query
mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $city));
$query = sprin…
# Bug report
### What I did
After deleting a record, the modal window (dtr-modal) does not close and does not redirect to the list.
### What I expected to happen
Close the window or redire…
When I try to access the osticket it returns error 500, could it help me
I am using osticket version 1.10.1 and php 5.6
Strict Standards: Non-static method Misc::currentURL() should not be …