I am using Quartus Prime 20.1.1. What version of Quartus was used to build the FPGA design? I am experiencing stability issues when I so much as add a **.qip** file for a new top level Platform Design…
We have very little coverage of installing dynamic interrupts in test cases.
Even though gen_isr_tables.py is used on multiple arches, the test case for it is running only on ARM for some reason:
Wikiのマニュアルに沿って、Nios IIでTinyThreadsを使おうとしています。
BSP TypeをTinyThreadsにしたBSPプロジェクトを作成し、ビルドしてみたところ以下のようなエラーが出ました。
make all
Info: Building ../candy_gw_tt_bsp
- [x] Major enhancements:
- See https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/projects/9
- [x] Pre RC1 Steps
- [x] Create v2.5.0 milestone so that features that don't make it to the release …
libr/anal/p/anal_riscv.c: // for (i = 0; i < args.num; ++i) {
libr/anal/p/anal_rsp.c: for (i = 0; i < r_instr.noperands; ++i) {
libr/anal/xrefs.c: for (i = 0; i < bb->ninstr; ++i) {
Since it support much more features and architectures rather than pure capstone.
## Architectures
i386, x86-64, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, RISC-V, SH, m68k, AVR, XAP,
System Z, XCore, CR16, HPP…
The Fast Fourier Transform will be performing its own read and writes to memory. It will need to read the adc input signal from memory then, upon completion, write the output frequency spectra to mem…
`sudo usermod -aG "COWRIE_USER_HERE" libvirt`
`sudo usermod -aG "COWRIE_USER_HERE" kvm`
Run that command replacing "COWRIE_USER_HERE" with the user that is running your cowrie in…
- [x] Major enhancements:
- See https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/projects/9
- [x] Pre RC1 Steps
- [x] Create v2.4.0 milestone so that features that don't make it to the release …
I'm trying to port this to a DE2-70 board and Quartus 13.0, but when compiling it is complaining over a missing includes.h file.