### Description
I'm trying to flash a custom board based on the NUCLEO_H743ZI board using a NUCLEO_L476RG as a STLink. Everything works with mbed-cli, but not with mbed-tools. I mocked the platfo…
Currently there are a few boards defined as pseudo-modules to include differing board configurations, e.g.
Hello! I am trying to run the timer example following the steps provided here: https://nuttx.apache.org/docs/latest/components/drivers/character/timer.html
The few things that I do that I do not s…
Thanks for making this code available. I have these L6474 boards working on top of Arduino but that is just a stepping stone to stm32, for me. This may be useful.
What is the development environment…
I'm trying to install Stratify OS on my Nucleo-F412ZG but running the following command causes the following error:
$ sl fs.mkdir:path=host@tmp cloud.install:id=Loy74Ukm6dVsLMqQ7T6g,build=re…
When running on the Nucleo and scanning an NFC card, I get a crash after the scan:
NFCA Passive ISO-DEP device found. UID: 04865372B67280
Select NDEF Application: OK Data: 6A82
I suggest adding stm32 support on wokwi to reach more embedded systems developers. Thanks!
### CircuitPython version
Adafruit Circuit Python V7.0.0 Image from the website
### Code/REPL
### Behavior
### Description
The STM32H743 Nucleo board doesn…
Hello everyone!
I tried compiling Mozzi using PlatformIO for my STM32 Nucleo Board and I always get the same error:
.pio\libdeps\nucleo_f446re\Mozzi\mozzi_rand.cpp:6:10: fatal error: STM32ADC.h: …
It seems that definitions of the function declarations in [uart.h](https://github.com/efabless/caravel_board/blob/main/firmware_vex/uart.h) are missing in [firmware_vex](https://github.com/efabless/ca…