`lightning-cli offer -k "amount"="any" "description"="test10" "label"="testing offers"`
`lightning-cli offer -k "amount"="any" "description"="test10" "label"="testing offers2"`
Objectif : Relier la ClientOffersPage avec Supabase
Consignes :
* Récupèrer les offres depuis la base de données
* Afficher les infos récupérées
Aide pour le bro Daniel ❤️ :
* rajouter une foncti…
The Strapi admin offers the "Use Fallback IIIF support?" switch, it is not clear what the functionality does. Should this be added to the Nuxt interface?
i would like to ask how to deactivate offer at root/additional marketplace.
Case 1: My main marketplace is allegro-cz, i created offer there and then i created offers at allegro-pl and al…
Cześć, mam pytanie. Po jakim czasie od przetworzenia zmiany ceny (change-price-commands) zmiana jest widoczna w GET /sale/offers `saleInfo.currentPrice.amount`?
### Steps to reproduce
1. I submit a dstack request with these configurations and successfully receive an offer from Runpod:
image: runpod/pytorch:2.4.0-py3.11-cuda12.4.1-devel-ubuntu22.04
Right-clicking on a property name on the Inspector in Godot on the desktop offers these options:
- Copy Value
- Paste Value
- Copy Property Path
### Report from Discord
- carousel_nerdzlab
- https://pub.dev/packages/carousel_nerdzlab
- Carousel or Cover Flow
- There is currently no package that offers the specific behavior of PageView with `padEnds: false`.
Task of: https://github.com/openfun/richie/issues/2451
In order to streamline our process and tracking offers made through direction selection *and* lottery should occur in the offers table. We may want to add an Enum to indicate whether it was a direct s…