Combo Boxes are not rendered correctly.
Not sure if that is a theme issue or a cqrlog issue. The QT version works ok.
If it is a theme issue i would be happy to report to the theme Autho…
When I pick an iconset in LXAppearance and use it, and there's an icon for hexchat, it never changes, hexchat always uses the default icon.
I read that if an application doesn't respect system s…
ghost updated
10 years ago
**Reporter Info**
- Materia version: v20210322
- GTK3 version: 3.24.30
- Distribution (and version): EndeavourOS on kernel 5.12.15-arch1-1
- Desktop environment (and version): Openbox 3.6.…
### BUG
When I use the enviroment -e KEEP_APP_RUNNING=1 , docker can not run.
Because can not fetch font-wqy-zenhei on http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing
Seems that is deleted.
### 是否存在已有问题?
- [X] 我已搜索现有的问题
### 问题描述
docker-compose创好启动后打开对应网页http://无反应提示无法访问此网站,已经正常使用该mdcxx docker一年没改配置,2024/8/15开始打不开,映射目录无误的,端口无冲突
### 预期表现
从容器的日志信息来看,docker mdcxx 容器无法启…
- [ ] obMenu System
- [ ] Application Listings
- [ ] Places
- [ ] Menu Editor
- [ ] obConfiguration
- [ ] obKeyConfig
- [ ] obThemes
- [ ] taskbar Support
- […
Output of `awesome --version`:
awesome v4.3-1551-g5077c8381-dirty (Too long)
The reason for this is that I use [Fuchsia cursor theme](https://github.com/ful1e5/fuchsia-cursor), and here …
I'm currently working on a code derived from this, removing openbox libraries dependencies
to make it working as generic configurator for Openbox based systems.
So this is not an issue but just …
## Name & tl;dr
ArchLabs is an Arch-based (doh!) distro from New Zealand with a very good text-based installer. It was originally a "BunsenLabs-inspired" Arch equivalent and it still has that vibe in…
ghost updated
2 years ago