I think it would be worth it to look at these files from [ogcapi-processes](https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogcapi-processes/tree/master/core/openapi/schemas) and consider them for integration withi…
**Reporter: bartvde@osgis.nl**
**Date: 2005/07/18 - 10:44**
The following request crashes Mapserver WFS:
104030.263050,498036.333900 104055.456000,498041.9500…
I am getting this exception when I run the tests:
It seems that it does not recognize my CRS even though it starts exactly with the suggested string.
I believe the issue lies [here](https://…
In Prez docco
ex:hasProfiledClass [
ex:class geo:Feature ;
ex:profile # inverse of constrains
ex:defaultProfile ;
] ;
Looking for guidance on how to describe a process in a Records catalog.
My guess is something like this (see below):
Is this a correct metadata record for an OGC API Processes process?
WCS 2.0 uses OWS Common 2.0 for its GetCapabilities operations but an error in a version 2.0.0 GetCapabilities request results in an OWS 1.0.0 exception response.
For example an XML/POST request like…
ras:CropCoverageCrop CoverageReturns the portion of a raster bounded by a given geometry.Process failed during execution
org.geotools.coverage.processing.CannotCropException: An error occurred whi…
**Link waar het probleem zich voor doet:**
Output van CRAB LOD, bv https://data.vlaanderen.be/doc/adres/2185403.json.
**Omschrijving van het probleem:**
Het datatype van de getypeerde string asWK…
Getting this error when marshaling WPS 2.0 LiteralValue objects:
> Instance of "net.opengis.wps.v_2_0.LiteralValue" is substituting "net.opengis.ows.v_2_0.ValueType", but "net.opengis.wps.v_2_0.Lite…
**Reporter: dmorissette**
**Date: 2006/08/23 - 19:55**
MapServer uses http://schemas.opengeospatial.net as its default schema
repository if ows_schemas_location is not set in the web metadata.