#### OO in Go
#### Inheritance-in-Go
#### Object-oriented Programming in Go
Create a properly object oriented forms class.
This needs more planning and discussion to nail down the API.
┆Issue is synchronized with this [Asana task](https://app.asana.com/0/197608664378684/1…
## 一言でいうと
### 論文リンク
**Top Short Points**
Basic https://github.com/arslanaslam007/Interview/issues/5#issuecomment-464440553
Design Pattern https://github.com/arslanaslam007/Interview/issues/5#issuecomment-464440580
# Title Of Blog Post : Functional vs. Object-Oriented Programming
### Short Description of what is expected : Functional programming and object-oriented programming are two prominent paradigms in sof…
#### What should/will the [learning objective(s)](http://teachtogether.tech/en/process/#s:process-objectives) be?
What is object oriented programming and what kinds of oop exist?
Which classes d…
The code is written in a very procedural manner. Let us refactor and use classes and interfaces to make it object oriented (let the objects do the work!).
This is a big task but it should go a long way toward making future development easier. The functional programming approach has its charms but I'm starting to run into its limits - the parameter list …
Can pylustrator operate directly on a [`matplotlib.figure.Figure`](https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.figure.Figure.html#matplotlib.figure.Figure)? It would be useful if I could modify a Fi…
The page is very clear and the concepts flow naturally - but it would be nice for the exercises to all have an expected output no matter how small, that you tell us about before we peak at the solutio…