When I tried to record trace of an image (obd format), it failed:
`sudo bin/ctr record-trace registry.hub.docker.com/overlaybd/redis:6.2.6_obd redis_trace`
`ctr: failed to setup network for na…
With the latest codes, the image download error by 'crictl pull' command.
The error like:
`pulling image failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "$dadi_image": fai…
After we sync the latest overlaybd codes(until a1390faccb1c2d82208db4987ac76c046620f384), the overlaybd-tcmu crash when bootup.
OS version: CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
kernel version: 4.1…
1. Convert image A to image B:
./ctr obdconv --dbstr "username:password@tcp(db_host:port)/db_name" A B
2. Using image B to create a container fails, and overlaybd reports the following error:
Now the prefetching is based on a trace file on the top layer of an image. What if we use a block device without any fs mounted. Is there any possibility to prefetch the data?
Just now, obdconv supports the layer caching during image conversion. pr:https://github.com/containerd/accelerated-container-image/pull/98.
Are there any plans to share local caches under differen…
root@iZ6weakh6nugr2mo3361g7Z:/opt# apt install ./overlaybd-0.4.0-1.x86_64.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, select…
1. just run INSTALL.sh, a shell error occur.
bash INSTALL.sh
Compile overlaybd-snapshotter...
copy config.json to /etc/overlaybd-snapshotter/
Hello maintainers, we are using OCF to develop a read-only remote cache, therefore, the core is accessed by remote network and the cache is in local.
OCF's minimum read size is the sector size (512…
OverlayBD provides block device with rootfs using remote image, the performance is highly associated with registry throughput and latency.
Large scale container launch may cause hot spot on registry,…