- achieved :
Dynamisch ophalen en uitlezen van PDF bestanden, direct vanaf de rijksoverheid website. Gewisseld van .NET package voor het behandelen van PDF bestanden: van **PdfSharp** naar **iText …
Is there a plan to upgrade `SixLabors.ImageSharp` (3.0 as the latest) and `SixLabors.Fonts` (2.0)?.
## Expected Behavior
When setting the `Text` of an AcroForm `PdfTextField`, it is expected that one should be able to write newlines by including \n in the string - for example, `"Test line 1\nTest L…
My file has the number -3.1428571429. In CLexer ScanNumber(), period equals true and decimalDigits equals 10. The PowersOf10 array contains 10 items (zero based index so max is 9), so since decimalD…
## file
## code
``` C#
var pdf1 = PdfReader.Open("files/file3.pdf");
Hi, curious what the status of this project is. PDFSharp seems to be somewhat stagnant at this point. I was trying to use it to fill some PDF forms (AcroForms), but seemed to hit some bugs right awa…
Just a feature request/question
Is there any plans on adding functionality of creating pdf "Document" from a byte array/stream of existing pdf file?
It would be great if we could get already exi…
Hi, I have an application utilizing the HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp library to generate PDFs and send them by email. For some reason, these PDFs are showing up as blank, but only in Adobe Acrobat. They look…
We're looking into using htmlrenderer for our solution and so far we love it, but so far we're unsure of how to add support for bookmarks in pdf. I saw that PDFsharp had it, but I wasn't sure if you a…
I think the FontResolver-stuff creates some lining issues for text in paragraphs in table cells.
What I get using your assemblies (VerticalAlignment.Top, then .Bottom, then .Center) -
Take a close…