Hi there,
I've migrated my filez instance from php5.4 to php 7 and got some errors.
For anyone looking for help about this, here is what I've done to get it working :
edit file lib/Zend/Ldap…
Hi there
A massive thank you for your work on the library to date - I came from using the DrSlump lib from a few years back which isn't maintained much, so it's been a great help to have a modern a…
afk11 updated
6 years ago
Running the setup script I got this message:
Invoking: /usr/local/bin/composer install --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader --no-progress --no-scripts
it would be great if one can install PHP 7, too, using this module.
I've been finding segfaults in production.
I'm not using weakref directly but it is part of the dependencies for a library that I'm using (https://github.com/OggettoWeb/messenger/wiki/Installation-&-…
feature request: use `php:7.0-apache` as base docker, and install the strict minimum to get https working on localhost.
(no mysql and other configuration files)
Il semblerait que la branche php7-compatible ait été supprimée récemment.
Doit-on en conclure que celle-ci a été mergée dans master ?
Y-a-t'il une alternative pour faire tourner Lodel …
105 | ERROR | Function mcrypt_create_iv() is deprecated since PHP 7.1 and removed since PHP 7.2; Use random_bytes() or OpenSSL instead
105 | ERROR | Extension 'mcrypt' is deprecated since PHP 7.1 an…
Make sure the application runs also with PHP7.