Je débute avec mon raspberry et ma caméra !
J'ai découvert votre interface graphique qui répond bien à mon besoin et qui semble très facile à utiliser.
Malheureusement, après avoir suivi…
I'm out of my sony sensors and wanted to test it with old OV5647s' now getting this error, weird!
python test_ivport.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "_ctypes/callbacks.c", line 314, in …
The `__init__` function of the `PiCameraCircularIO` class in `streams.py` makes no attempt to sanitise the input parameters to ensure that they are integers. This means that at some point, you may run…
sarev updated
6 years ago
Simple code bellow I tried to capture picamera image with MAX_RESOLUTION first to file and then to memory:
import time
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
from picamera import PiCamera
This could be useful in setting up a whole set of different Raspberry Pis to be used in the same place -- so the WiFi networks won't overlap.
The current default is `00-PiCamera` but we could have…
picamera works great with Python 3.8.0, however a TypeError is immediately raised upon "import picamera" in Python 3.8.1 as shown below:
pi@pi1:~/DEV/CVDEV $ ./cvStart
Traceback (mo…
jmmec updated
4 years ago
I just bought 5 megapixel OV5647 camera, and enable it through raspi-config
the camera works well with raspistill and raspivid utilities and takes images and videos well,
but when I use the …
I've faced with quite odd frame index numbers coming from picamera module. The indices differs from overlay produced by camera.annotate_frame_num = True
Code to reproduce:
import picamera
When i run "pylepton_overlay -a 155" command i get the following error. However both my cameras (pi camera and flir lepton are working fine if i run them individually)
When i run "pylepton_capture ou…
The context `__exit__` methods of `PiCamera` and `PiRGBAnalysis` try to close the output file twice when the latter is inside the scope of the former and an exception was raised inside the inner with.…
juhaj updated
3 years ago