I chatted with @matheus23 earlier today about the updated powerline syntax & changes from past iterations. [Philipp, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of the below but wanted to capture here…
## Lapce Version
Last from github
## System information
Ubuntu 23.10
## Describe the bug
broken line in built-in terminal
## Additional information
![Screenshot from 2023-01-07 06-34-…
# Summary
I have been using the powerline multiline theme and have noticed that now when typing long commands line wrap no longer functions, it continues the command on the same line. If I review t…
Hello. First of all, kudos for creating such a nice Powerline font and the Powerline Go tool.
I'm having an issue trying to use the -colorize-hostname function. It simply doesn't seem to work, as t…
Power lines should have their own, customisable graphics instead of using their entity.png graphics, which allows them to be modifiable on a per-mappack basis. The addition of more powerline graphics(…
thanks for your continuous effort in maintaing pandapower!
I'm trying to run OPF simulations of a network with/without HVDC powerlines and compare the results.
1. Is it correct, that OPF ca…
I was going to suggest adding:
- https://github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt
- https://github.com/b-ryan/powerline-shell
- https://powerline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/shell-prompts.html
Some aspects of the vim configuration will not render correctly without the Powerline Fonts.
When using with [Powerline](https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline), let g:TagmaBufMgrStatusLine doesn't work - it's left named "_TagmaBufMgr_"
Fantastic project, and really grateful for all that's been accomplished so far.
I use Powerline inside of tmux, and while the E0B0 and E0B2 glyphs work perfectly for most prompts, tmux also include…