I came across this article: https://afterthoughtsoftware.com/posts/ruby-how-to-add-internal-pdf-links-inside-a-table-using-prawn-and-prawn-table it seems the `add_dest` with `dest_xyz` works for this …
8vius updated
2 years ago
I'm trying to generate a PDF containing a signed link. The signature strings contains characters that need to be URL encoded for use in the query parameters, e.g. "wJ7OAi7u3WSJtzEq0b+xaoEG9yY=". So my…
peret updated
3 years ago
I have noticed a strange issue with using `ln -s` inside of MSYS2 which I'm inclined to consider a bug. Even after I enabled long paths inside of the Windows registry `ln -s` will complain a…
Whenever I try to use a custom theme font for the PDF creation, regardless of the font I choose, I get an error with JRuby StringIO.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.asciidoctor:asciidoctor-…
~~~ ruby
module Prawn
module Graphics
module Patterns
can generate shading patterns
PatternType: 2
but there is no support for fill patterns yet
PatternType: 1
here an ex…
Seeing @mkasberg raised the question on the Slack channel, we can discuss here how to go about producing the final format that the end user can download / print / have printed.
My vision is to be a…
I saw few issues existing about cell sizing and wrapping but quite old so sorry if I'm creating any duplicate, but I can't figure how to disable word wrap by character in cell and I'm not sure…
For every meal, search* each keyword* of the english text in our slack emojis: when there is a match, add it to the meal's text.
- `Chinese noodles with prawns and shrimp bouchees`
my Y-axis values are 6 digit numbers but graph is displaying max 4 digits.
Also Values are overriding in Y-axis.
Is there any way to fix this ?
I am using
rails 6.1.6
ruby 2.6.7
prawn-graph 1…