### Feature Request / Improvement
implement the functionality found here: https://iceberg.apache.org/docs/latest/spark-procedures/#rewrite_data_files for rewriting data files to allow for better tabl…
The implementation of the memory nearest match API computes cosine similarity on the client side.
Is it possible to compute cosine similarity on the database side through a database function or store…
Can you tell me please the steps to launch the chargetimeEU??
Link to Documents Folder: https://thetaedgebhd.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/ThetaInnovation/EvsWA3-axs5Et9uat42oI-kBQoG0lApApmi00eUjcu1BoQ?e=uravgV
Update the user authentication system to hash passwords before storing them. This will enhance security by ensuring that user passwords are not stored in plain text. Implement password hashing and upd…
for current stored procedure and error handling structure overview, see roles/database/files/sql/idempotent/fworch-import-main.sql
## Challenges
### Import
#### Rule order calculation
- [ ] …
A placeholder issue for marking a list of tasks to be done for the current Docker images established in #3223.
- [x] Ensure that macOS M-series users can pull the latest PyBaMM image from DockerHub…
We could potentially use the CLI for this. Ideas:
calkit procedures exec daily-routine
calkit run --procedure daily-routine
Similar to table schema, list available stored procedures and functions. Allow user to create a new buffer with the stored procedure / function code.
Hi there. Amazing codebase by the way!
I am trying to reproduce the results from your provided scripts and example configurations. However, I could easily reproduce the results for mortality predic…