I'm getting the following error when trying either check_mx or verify on Windows 10.
Symptoms updated: This occurs about 3000 addresses into a job of maybe 7000 email addresses.
It is unrel…
The contact.chat.send_message(default1) API did not responding. The bot will hang when send_message request have made. Please check the Traceback. Please help me
Traceback (most recent call la…
OS: Windows 10 Pro
MSSQL Driver: ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server
Backend: MSSQL Std. 2014
Django 2.0.2
**datecancel now is a datetime object**
datecancel = datetime.strptime(str(datecode),…
C:\Users\sergey\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\python.exe C:/!/4234234234/medtest/manage.py runserver 8000
Unhandled exception in thread started by
Traceback (most recent call last…
* Cookiecutter version: Cookiecutter 1.6.0 from c:\users\ME\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\site-packages (Python 3.6)
* Template project url: ALL
* Python version: Python 3.6
* Opera…
* radicl version: Latest. Can't get version using 'radicl --version'. It crashes..
* Firmware version (if applicable): N/A
* Python version: 3.6
* Operating System: Windows 10
### Description
hi, i'm getting this error. what should i do?
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py"…
it might be too heavy a task idk, but here's what it prints:
>set C_INCLUDE_PATH=D:\gear\dm\include
>set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=D:\gear\dm\include
>py src\main.py gen D:\gear\dm\include\WIN32\…
On Windows, when trying to import from Python's `test` module, collection seems to hang because assertion rewriting kicks in and the `__pycache__` folder isn't writable.
With a file like:
when i try basic models, i get follow error.
Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more …