Dear @dimasciput - The layer selecter seems not to work for the RBIS. Any help?
Thank you
We just updated `sorbet` and `tapioca` to the latest versions (0.11.5 respectively), and regenerated all gems RBIs.
For some reason, signatures bundled with this gem were previously ignored, but they…
The RBIS team regularly upload slight variations of the endemism categories, and there is currently no way to merge them, or to see data associated with each category.
Please can you add option to …
Apologies in advance, as I'm not super familiar with the inner workings here and may be misunderstanding.
We use [GoodJob](https://github.com/bensheldon/good_job), an ActiveJob backend based on po…
We have set up a GitHub Action to run `tapioca dsl` and `tapioca gems --all` overnight and open a PR against our repo.
This helps keep our RBIs up to date.
However, we often see gem RBIs being updat…
When we clean shims we do not consider Sorbet's payload RBIs.
This means that when a definition in our shims becomes useless because it's been upstreamed, we never clean it.
We should use Sorbet…
Hi! I've been really happy using tapioca for my company's codebase, but have run into a snag on more recent versions of sorbet.
We have an internal gem that contains our protobuf definitions and is…
Great little plugin, thank you.
I wonder how feasible it would be to merge the RBIs generated by `tapioca dsl` into the output? It would be great to have dynamic ActiveRecord methods etc. in the do…
I created a custom option extension that I use in my proto files, like this:
``` proto
service Fishtank {
rpc GetFish(FishQuery) returns (Fish) {
option (protapi.http).get = "/fish/{id}";
nokogiri has dependencies that are different by architecture:
nokogiri (1.12.5)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.6.1)
racc (~> 1.4)
nokogiri (1.12.5-x86_64-darwin)