I open the devtools after the initial loading of the page and everything is fine. You see all the actions emitted at the beginning (fetch actions -using Sagas-), and you can see the state. However aft…
Data stored initially gets replaced with new data after logout and when app is restarted or refreshed the initial stored data is retrieved back to reducer instead of the second set of stored data or r…
## 前言
新项目的技术选型为:`redux + react + immutable + pounchdb`
| 技术 | 作用 |
| --- | --- |
| redux | 框架,决定应用形态 |
| react | 视图 |
| immutable | 数据结构 |
| pounch | 前端数据库 |
### redux
> learn redux
``` html
### What would you like to share?
Our redux structure seems to be little unorganized, I think it would be good if we handle it completely in one folder
|--redux ( new fold…
Given that it is essential if you want to use asynchronous operations in actions, I think it would be nice to include [redux-thunk](https://github.com/gaearon/redux-thunk). Maybe it's just me, but I e…
![Screenshot 2022-06-19 135601](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/107346203/174472448-faa82fb2-19aa-439b-a454-db72d61b9e31.png)
getting a error after installing react-toolkit
because create…
I am working on offline features. I know that it sounds weird for a real-time framework to be offline first, but this feature is more and more requested, especially for low connectivity app (mobi…
In development environment, I noticed that with each reload that the app was slow. So I did some testing, and by removing PersistGate, the app loads easily, and without any slowness.
I'm working with monorepo where redux is a package shared between other applications, for react-native i'm trying to set redux-persist storage engine to AsyncStorage with following code but i get an e…
Using the generateRequireSignInWrapper gives me this error message:
**Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(GatedPage)". Either wrap the root component in a Provider, or…
Rinbo updated
5 years ago