A Python script would help us keep the local database up to date - web browsing, including form submission, can be done with the mechanize module (or a more recent replacement).
Refer to PoonLab/di…
I have cloned the repo and checked out the branch `stable-release-1.2.x`. The tag I am at is `v1.2.5`.
When try to start the project, building the image fails.
docker-compose -f doc…
I am running Linux Mint 19.1, installed `python3.7`, installed `robobrowser` using `pip`, but when I run `python autoflashgui.py` this is what happens:
`Traceback (most recent call last):`
` Fi…
OS: 16.04
Tried pip and pip easyinstall
pip install robobrowser
sudo -H pip install robobrowser ....
Even tried wiping pip && requests and reinstall - same result.
Package installs, tried sud…
``` bash
root@HOST:~# pip install tweepy
Downloading/unpacking tweepy
Running setup.py egg_info for package tweepy
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 14, in
File "/roo…
madhavtummala OpenSource $ python3 -m pip install -e git://github.com/apsknight/acl.git@0.1#egg=acl
Obtaining acl from git+git://github.com/apsknight/acl.git@0.1#egg=acl
Cloning git://github.…
Linux Deepin 15.8
sudo: pip: command not found
sudo: pip: command not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "filmowToLetterboxd.py", line 2, in
from robobrowser import RoboB…
Standard tutorial setup, specify facebook auth info in config and run
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "auto_swipe.py", line 47, in
profiles = getRecs()
File "/home/durand/d…
Hi all,
I would like create a simple script only for the authentication. I've customized "libautoflashgui.py" but I've a problem with my Technicolor AGTHP_1.1.2:
Hi, in the last months I used a script with Selenium to get the token every 2h.
Yesterday, after a "git pull", I run again my script and got this error:
> session = pynder.Session(FBID, FBTOKEN)