kubectl explain Rollout.spec.strategy.canary.trafficRoutings
KIND: Rollout
VERSION: rollouts.kruise.io/v1alpha1
RESOURCE: trafficRoutings
TrafficRoutings hosts all the…
_From @RubenKelevra on August 24, 2015 10:25_
Batman-adv bietet vlan-Tags, man könnte mehrere Instanzen von Batman mit unterschiedlichen IDs ausführen um an Stadtgrenzen das Mesh der Nachbarstadt zu …
After rereading the current spec text and some contemplation, I now think the spec does not sufficiently define "the router" which obviously is a crucial element in WAMP.
In fact, the spec uses "th…
Currently when the homenode gives out an address, the client will receive that address and subnet, and will add that /26 subnet to its routing table with "proto kernel".
I believe we could configure …
max-b updated
8 years ago
It would be fantastic if `MESH` NetCDF outputs can include more variables, including `subbasin` values in vector-based setups. This would facilitate further analysis and adjustment. It could be benefi…
This is a basic connection-level simulator for the SpaceX Starlink network. It simulates routing across a mesh of inter-satellite links and via ground relays. It does not simulator packet-level behavi…
Validate MCI usage of the L7 internal LB
There are a couple of issues with mesh addresses that could be considered invalid.
* Addresses that aren't part of our mesh prefixes, e.g. configuring…
I have a 3 node swarm setup with 2 interfaces on every box. Network Configuration is below
**Server1 ( Master ) -**
On Eth0 -
On Eth1 -
**Server2 ( Worker ) -**
## Whats the Goal?
I am trying to figure out how to allow users to __SSH into Notebook Pods from their laptop__. The benefit of this is supporting tools like [Remote VSCode](https://code.visualstud…