Something with error handling seems to be different when using LiveData.
Can you shed some light on it how we need to adapt our code to catch (either ignore or handle) those errors?
Hi, here I am again, this time with a different concern.
Citing Uncle Bob's explanation of Use Cases:
> We also do not expect this layer (USE CASES) to be affected by changes to externalities such as…
ghost updated
8 years ago
What do you think about returning LiveData instances directly from domain Layer?
I'm asking it because the one of the best features of Room framework is the hability to observe changes in DB directly…
## Steps to reproduce
1. Launch Lockwise.
2. Login with valid credentials.
3. On the entries, list access any account that has a Web address like this: `google.com`
4. On the `Web address` tap on …
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- [ ] [根据接口动态修改应用底部菜单栏](https://juejin.im/post/59fa80325188257ad639e444?utm_source=gold_…
Not 100% sure if this should be here or on SO, but it looks like a "feature request" so...
Reading the series of blog posts (starting here: http://hannesdorfmann.com/android/mosby3-mvi-1) I …
Referenced from https://github.com/bazelbuild/intellij/pull/217
I've got almost all my packages building, but it's failing when I try to put a `kotlin_library` in an `android_binary` with the err…
> Unable to connect to server, I have to 2 Que 1) I am using Kotlin v 1.2.21 with Dagger2, Retofit2, Okhttp3,RXJava library please let me know which is the best way to implement Socket IO ?
2) Afte…