This is a tracking issue for a large set of dependency updates I intend to perform. Currently many dependencies are out of date, blocking updates in Java, Scala and SBT. Hopefully it will help in to p…
According to https://github.com/fthomas/refined, section "External Modules", there is a Circe integration! With that, we may not need PersistentGameProgress anymore!
Also, there is integration for …
Specs2 doesn't have a great ScalaJS story at the moment. We are not using any fancy features with our tests at the moment, we just need asserts and ScalaCheck.
If we move our tests to uTest instea…
ScalaCheck provides a small DSL for writing properties, consisting of syntax like:
- implication (`p1 ==> p2`)
- combining properties (`&&`, `||`, `==`, `all`, `atLeastOne`)
- labeling (`p :| "l…
We are using pprint in property based testing, where we create arbitrary strings. Sadly, pprint fails on some of those characters:
`Message: Unknown ansi-escape at index 3 inside string cannot be par…
This issue was copied over from: [https://github.com/disneystreaming/weaver-test/issues/698](https://github.com/disneystreaming/weaver-test/issues/698)
It was opened by: [epifab](https://github.com/e…
[info] ConditionalScriptSignature
[info] - should correctly read true and false (11 milliseconds)
[info] - must have…
We want all the projects to use the same test library, [scalaz-zio](https://github.com/scalaz/scalaz-zio/blob/d9a136469212f0ab14c0d6cab221386b28254e78/build.sbt#L39) uses specs2.
The plugin already…
https://github.com/adelnizamutdinov/shapeless-rc6-scalacheck Here's a sample project that compiles successfully with 2.2.0-RC4
but when I change that to 2.2.0-RC6, compilation goes on forever (though …
The [`QueryGenerator`](https://github.com/getquill/quill/blob/7c095a133320c80e8011f3eb28a0dac9c4624638/quill-core/src/test/scala/io/getquill/norm/QueryGenerator.scala) is used by [`NormalizeSpec`](htt…