Hi. Here's where my testing stands. I have a 6022BL, not BE, but for the purposes of this code the only relevant difference _should_ be the USB PID. I've switched the PID over to match the BE so the …
### Describe the workflow you want to enable
Is there an intention to implement the Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model with EM algorithm?
Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model is a popular clusteri…
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Die Installation endete mit
`Installing collected packages: typing-extensions, pydantic-core, nvidia…
## Why
発信のため、ここは **public** にしてあります。外部からの参加をご希望の方は[合田/hakubishin3](https://twitter.com/jy_msc)、…
@JHlozek is looking into the best parameters for the ZairaChem distillation of Olinda
### Describe your issue
I can run real and wrf (WPS version 4.5, WRF version 4.5.2) before using w2w. However, after I used w2w, real.exe can be successfully run. The wrf.exe stop without error. In t…
Currently, we support batch gradient descent (e.g., LogisticRegression), and stochastic gradient descent (e.g., ``SGDClassifier/SGDRegressor``), but we do not support Mini-Batch gradient descent (``SG…
### Problem Description
Skrub currently encodes some features in the datetime encoder, but there are a few that feel missing.
- Seasonal patterns during the year
- Seasonal patterns during the…
If a sparse matrix is passed into the function, it doesn't throw any error but gets a poor fit **sometimes**. I think it should either throw an error when the parameter is a sparse matrix or convert i…