### Search before asking
- [X] I searched the [issues](https://github.com/WeBankFinTech/DataSphereStudio/issues) and found no similar issues.
### DSS Component
dss-framework, dss-orchestrat…
I saw mention of adding sandstorms to desert map and I found a pretty good script. here are screenshots from my escape mission as it is now
### Search before asking
- [X] I searched the [issues](https://github.com/apache/incubator-linkis/issues) and found no similar issues.
### Linkis Component
### What happened + What…
This issue is kind of the starting point. There are further issues which describe the tasks in more detail.
User Story: As a reader, I can view the research compendia in the article view.
DSS0.9.1, linkis0.9.4 基于HDP3.1.4( hadoop 3.1 , hive 3.0 , spark2.3) 编译,可以在scriptis里写sparksql脚本及执行。
创建工作流并在上面拖拽了sparksql 控件,写了SQL脚本后,保存工作流。关闭后再打开,工作流显示空白页。
DSS0.9.1, linkis0.9.4 基于HDP3.1.4( hadoop 3.1 , hive 3.0 , spark2.3) 编译,可以在scriptis里写sparksql脚本及执行。
创建工作流并在上面拖拽了sparksql 控件,写了SQL脚本后,保存工作流。关闭后再打开,工作流显示空白页。
**Describe the bug**
[ERROR] [qtp2094809200-50 ] c.w.w.l.r.RPCReceiveRestful (72) [apply] - error code(错误码): 111006, error message(错误信息): Get the Yarn queue information excep…
Põhiline aeg lehe ehitamisel kulub kassettide renderdamisele.
Samuti kasutab see märkimisväärselt mälu.
Tuleb need data.lang.yaml failid teha minimaalsed ja võimalikult vähese sügavusega - täpselt l…
**Describe the bug**
Add body form data via pre-scriptis is not effective
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Create a new POST request.
2. Add some x-www-form-urlencoded f…