Hey there,
Just looking around and found this file included in the solution but missing from source. Thanks for the library BTW. #h5yr
Error 1 Source file 'Facebook\Responses\Debug\FacebookDebugTo…
Hey there, How close do you think you are to a new release?
Do you have a list of things to do?
When a new user registers with Facebook the avatar image gets uploaded to /media/memberUploads and it's stored in the avatar property with only the filename.
I'm struggling to get Facebook auth working in our forum. I got a null reference error from this line
var debug = service.Methods.DebugToken(userAccessToken);
in FacebookOAuthSurfaceControll…
As with the others, the favorite count for a tweet is returned in the JSON from Twitter and just needs to be added to the object and parsed.
Hello. This project really looks like the future. I just want to ask.. Is there a way I can search for tags using client id only? Something like the:
Seems like a great thing! Looking forward to try it in my current project.
However, Got this one right after downloading & compiling:
The command "D:\Temp.netsocial\src\Skybrud.Social.PreBuildTool.e…