Hello. We've been using skypack for a while on codepen, and it started failing recently. Investigation shows that skypack picks conditional export meant for server.
Imported file is `@sitecore-feaa…
Thanks for you all's work on Skypack. It's been a boon for our Deno projects.
deno run --unstable https://cdn.skypack.dev/minio
Produces the error.
error: Uncaught Error: [Pa…
When importing `@actions/core` from Deno, I get the following error:
❯ deno run --unstable https://cdn.skypack.dev/@actions/core
Check https://cdn.skypack.dev/@actions/core
error: Uncaught E…
URL: https://cdn.skypack.dev/gsap
* [Package Error] "gsap@v3.11.3" could not be built.
* [1/5] Verifying package is valid…
* [2/5] Installing dependencies from npm…
* No matc…
* [Package Error] "luxon@v2.3.1" could not be built.
* [1/5] Verifying package is valid…
* [2/5] Installing dependencies from npm…
* No matc…
It would be great if this could be packaged as a proper es module. I could not use this package with [snowpack](https://www.snowpack.dev/), also, it won't work with [skypack](https://www.skypack.dev/)…
### Expected behavior
Can import our npm-published module [@stdlib/esm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@stdlib/esm) via:
// the whole library:
import stdlib from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev…
If I use:
I'm getting: Uncaught Error: [Package Error] "@material/mwc-base" no dependency version info found. (Imported by "@material/mwc-button")
**What happened?**
An invalid signature was sent in a request and my server returned a 500, Internal Server Error, due to `verify` rejecting with a `TypeError`:
I have a package that's already ESM, should work if the files are straight downloaded:
- https://www.skypack.dev/view/@ember-apply/tailwind
However, due to the build step, I'm not able to imp…