I'm trying to port two games from slick2d.
I'm missing few method /classes:
(it will be faster to type than each time g.fillRect(rect.getX(),rect.getY(),rect.getWidth(),rect.getHe…
https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.slick2d/slick2d-core, also http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cslick2d
this refers to version 1.0.1 which was release at 2014.
It would be nice t…
After clicking on restart, the cannon will occasionally shoot one immediately after restarting(~0.2s)
With more complex interactions with the game coming, the need for a GUI arises.
It looks like Slick2D has some GUI's , [this stackexchange post has quite a nice answer](http://gamedev.stackexchange.c…
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: No display mode extension is available
Thrown when travis is building because travis allows no display. Attempted a lot of things last night, none sticked. Still a standing …
Thanks for getting in touch. A common solution to this problem is to use xvfb, as described here: http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/gui-and-headless-browsers/#Using-xvfb-to-Run-Tests-That-Require-GUI-(e.…
I am currently working on implementing Catacomb Snatch in Slick2D so we can get accelerated graphics (see my [slick](https://github.com/KyleBrodie/Catacomb-Snatch/tree/slick) branch). But there is one…
I was quite surprised to find that .jpg was not yet supported. In particular for larger textures such as background images (the current one has 4,1MB) , it might be quite valueable.
Currently, TS use…
Is there a way to set image/texture color?
In slick2d I was able to just set it using g.setColor() and then draw image.
There was also another way using image.setColor(corner, r, g, b); (useful for li…