If I'm at a bar with 3 of my friends, I don't want the widget to use all
its space to display those three friends.
The widget should instead merge those three entries into your own checkin-
row …
If I'm at a bar with 3 of my friends, I don't want the widget to use all
its space to display those three friends.
The widget should instead merge those three entries into your own checkin-
row …
If I'm at a bar with 3 of my friends, I don't want the widget to use all
its space to display those three friends.
The widget should instead merge those three entries into your own checkin-
row …
If I'm at a bar with 3 of my friends, I don't want the widget to use all
its space to display those three friends.
The widget should instead merge those three entries into your own checkin-
row …
If I'm at a bar with 3 of my friends, I don't want the widget to use all
its space to display those three friends.
The widget should instead merge those three entries into your own checkin-
row …
If I'm at a bar with 3 of my friends, I don't want the widget to use all
its space to display those three friends.
The widget should instead merge those three entries into your own checkin-
row …
when we wait for the firmware to work the display together with the CNC milling machine)))?
### Checklist
- [X] I made sure that there are *no existing issues* - [open](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube/issues) or [closed](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Ac…
I'm having an issue with translation from UEB when I type a colon (dots 2-5) and then a letter. I go into detail on the NVAccess issues page here: nvaccess/nvda#7678
Hi @Stephen
How are you?
Long time!
I noticed that you are the developer for the DHIS 2 Smart Display App
We are trying to use it in one of our projects and it does not display some dashboards (…