**Tiff_visualization.ipynb** 파일의 중단부 **rasterio 사용하기**에서 변수 `image`를 정의하지 않은 상태에서 호출을 시도합니다.
spacenet_sample = os.getenv('HOME') + "/spacenet_paris/AOI_3_Paris_Train/MUL-PanSharpen/MUL-P…
I am writing this issue because I was playing with the [SpaceNet 6 dataset](https://spacenet.ai/sn6-challenge/) and I have found a strange behavior when loading the files. In this dataset we…
I think this project is a great idea! I hope to make use of it to simplify and standardize some file operations, mostly for gcs and s3 storage but keeping flexibility for local storage.
It would b…
Thanks for your work. I downloaded the spacenet-6 dataset but found that all the sar images are binary images, could you please help me with that problem
Thank you for uploading this. The results all look very neat. However when I'm trying to replicate the results, I'm having trouble downloading the dataset to local disk and really don't know how to re…
We have strange results running MagicPoint on our own dataset (satellite imagery from SpaceNet).
The creation of keypoints using MagicPoint Synthetic datasets is working well:
Hocam merhabalar.Google Colab'da Yapı algılama modeli oluşturmak istiyorum ama veri boyutu nedeniyle yol alamıyorum bilgisayarıma Mask RCNN kuramıyorum gereksinimleri karşılamıyo ne yapabilirim
I am using a custom dataset for training but it is not clear what are the ideal crop sizes of each model, namely UNet, FCDenseNet-xxx and DeeplabV3?
Are any transforms done for training/inferenc…
With the reference of previous issues thread, it is the incremental error in next cells, i am attaching the screen shot for your perusal. I am again anticipating that i have to use some config functio…
On `http://spacenet-dataset.s3.amazonaws.com/` , public s3 bucket is `arn:aws:s3:::spacenet-dataset.`
However when I try to access the bucket via https
`http://spacenet-dataset.s3.amazonaws.com/`, i…