After adding `springfox` to my spring boot application, I have noticed that the serialization of http responses containing `java.time.LocalDateTime` have changed. Here's an export of a before an after…
### Feature Summary
API Documentation: The API provides comprehensive documentation using tools like Swagger or Springfox. This documentation outlines the available endpoints, request/response format…
Swagger 추가
- [ ] What version of the library are you using? springfox-boot-starter: 3.0.0
What kind of issue is this?
- [ ] Bug report.
2020-07-14 08:55:02,537 ERROR [paketo,,,] 1679 --- [ restartedM…
According to @pieperbeuth several attemps to add a model weren't successful. Maybe @mseibt knows, how to solve this issue.
I get build success, but a very partial json swagger is create. Namely it look like my @ApiOperation annotation is completely missed or ignored.
When I compile I see the following print:
NogaB updated
7 years ago
I think @ApiModelProperty annotations is ignored on boolean fields, when the name of that field starts with 'is'.
@ApiModelProperty(...) private boolean started; // annotation will b…
pequt updated
4 months ago
trying to run gretty with JDK 1.8 for spring boot project
`buildscript {
ext {
springBootVersion = '1.3.3.RELEASE'
repositories {
Rest call has now problem downloading zip file in browser URL.
With swagger-ui, downloading zip file with extra underscore appended to filename in prefix and suffix (of extension) \_XXXAp…
I am trying to use azure-spring-data-cosmos with [Spring Boot Starter Data REST](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/tree/main/sdk/cosmos/azure-spring-data-cosmos#spring-boot-starter-dat…