Hi There,
The multismash is a welcome development. We installed this as a module and while testing it complaints about FileNotFoundError, as below. Is this related to snakemake standard schema yaml…
Using a CP2102 spoofing the VID/PID, incoming serial traffic seems sometimes lost. Not clear if SW or HW issue.
The software command count is simply an 8 bit integer. Bit 0 is NOT used for anything other than the LSBit of the count. It does not need the current conversion (which displays bit 0 as ICR).
### 🔗 [감시](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/15683)
XX = np.sin(45 * np.pi / 180) need to be squared
And verify whole formula:
Fofonoff 1983, page 28 (https://repository.oceanbestpractices.org/bitstream/handle/11329/109/059832eb.pdf?sequence=1&isAl…
### 🔗 [톱니바퀴](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/14891)
### 📌 공지
- 스터디 시간 변경 (오전 10시 → 오후 11시)
- 9월 24일(화)부터 백준 [삼성 SW 역량 테스트 기출문제집](https://www.acmicpc.net/workbook/view/1152) 시작
## fcitx5
sudo apt install fcitx5
config `~/.xprofile`
tee -a ~/.xprofile
Hello i'm trying to adapt the library and build it to use it on Raspberry Pi 5. I use the 32 Bit OS that use a 64 Bit Kernel with 4K Page Size.
I built the driver .ko with linux 6.6.51 kernel. The…
Admittedly this was ~ 4000 nxs files each with 25 images but
cs03r-sc-serv-36 all :) $ dials.import ../../../VMXi-AB5645/well_1*/images/*nxs
DIALS (2018) Acta Cryst. D74, 85-97. https://doi.o…
*PHP Version:* 8.3 | *Shopware Version:* | *Affected area / extension:* Platform(Default)
*_Expected behaviour:_*
Creating a new tab in the theme section with a sw-text-editor c…