@dossanluc por favor, verifique com o @falbrito a melhor maneira de incluir o campo DOI na exportação do CSV, de maneira que possamos incluí-lo no processamento para que esteja no XML do Lucene.
**About You:**
Name:Dylan Murphy
**Your question:**
When I set MaxThread > 3 in my mydb.ini file, I start getting the error below and entire test groups fail. For MaxThreads
Thanks for building this dataset, I am using it in my ConV in SG Tableau dashboard https://public.tableau.com/profile/sarah.burnett#!/vizhome/ConVinSG/ConV?publish=yes , prior to this I was man…
- [x ] ran `brew update` and can still reproduce the problem?
- [ x] ran `brew doctor`, fixed all issues and can still reproduce the problem?
- [ x] ran `brew config` and `brew doctor` and included …
**Environment information:**
- Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
- Python 3.7.4 64bit (Python.org) and Anaconda 3.7 2020.02 - 64bit
- TabPy 0.8.7 and 1.0.0.
- Tab Prep 2019.3 and 2020.1.1
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* [x] `$…
The data and design brief for the next assignment is [here](https://www.datavisualizationsociety.com/2019-survey-challenge).
I am getting the following error when I go to publish a neural network model I had created to the TabPy localhost server:
![LoadFailed Error](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49031005/5644…
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […
## Prework
By filing an issue to this repo, I promise that
- [x] I have fully read the issue guide at https://yihui.org/issue/.
- [x] I have provided the necessary information about …