Add CI workflow for testing, linting, and other tasks.
### OS version
Windows 11
### Python version
Python 3.12.2
### Pip version
pip 24.0
### Guide link
### Problem description
thanks for the great open-source project.
I have set up all my tokens for pypi, testpypi, and my personal GitHub token in the project repo setting.
the codebases is purely created by cookie-cutte…
## Situation
The current release process is described in the file `release-procedure.md`. It's a bit of cumbersome as a lot of things needs to be done manually.
Some ideas were already described…
Lately I need to restart the plugin as it doesn't respond anymore (no communication to and from the velbus devices). I am using a connection to velbusd on another machine so I suspect a transmiss…
## Description
Hi ONNX Converter team,
Please help validate ONNX 1.15.0 rc1, here is the [onnx · TestPyPI](https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftest.pypi.org%2Fproj…
The README instruct the user to install the library from source by performing the following steps
pip install wheel
pip install setuptools
pip install twine
python setup.py bdist_wheel
Given that I don't maintain this anymore and the package is under my name, we should automate the process for whenever a new release is cut, we should build and upload a new package to the PyPI reposi…
- [ ] create a package in this repo
- [ ] test and tune in CI
- [ ] Travis CI for *nix versions
- [ ] Appveyor for win versions
- [ ] autopublish tags to pypi
Hi @pm3310 👋
It may worth replacing travis with GitHub Actions. Actions are pretty mature now and they don't require additional accounts, another UI, etc.
I've given them a try to build and publ…