User should hear correct one announcement. Either the results were found or results were not found. Not both at once.
Stateful App Search -> Engines -> Search UI -> …
For user it should be clear what table is about, how many rows, columns it contains. Without any strange or unexpected announcements.
Stateful App Search -> Engines …
I'm working on a project where I need to build a back-office system so my client can independently update certain website content, including text changes.
I’m considering fetching transla…
NCura updated
1 month ago
### Page URL
### Instructions
- [X] I have read the information on [Translating WAI Documents](https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/translating/)
- [X] B…
Hi there, this may be stupid but I felt confused...
I compiled a corpus containing 20GB of pure raw text and wanted to train my **customized BBPE tokenizer**.
With the guidance of your NLP course…
**The bug**
While images are visible in Jupyter, the ChatML/string representation becomes invalid once the runtime stops, and the images are not visible in the console.
What is the capi…
From https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/5132
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright is the second most visited page on the website, but is not a great place to land an…
I try to use clip text guidance instead of CFG in SD-Style, but the result seems not satisfatory, could u please help me find what's going wrong? Here is the code, I only change three lines in the fil…
Create the page where a user creates a new Section: https://www.figma.com/proto/RRtoRLyr5Spf0KiyRfEclt/DMP-Explain?node-id=6-617&t=N2jvNbe3g9eOxDc7-0&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=6%3A66&starting-p…