A simple example to help many guys approach redux.
- [ ] Reducers tests
- [ ] Thunk middleware tests
- [ ] Injecting repository
- [ ] Using [built_value](https://pub.dev/packages/built_value) an…
First of all, thanks for all the hard work you've put into this fantastic guide; if I had tried to migrate my team's codebase to typescript without `typsafe-actions` it would have turned into a total …
- [X] `src/redux/auth/index.js`
> • Remove the cases for `EMAIL_SIGN_IN_START`, `GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_START`, `ANONYMOUS_SIGN_IN_START`, `SIGN_UP_START` in the `authReducer` function.
> • Mod…
I'm trying to initialize redux with this middleware, but i can't get it working for now.
I'm new to redux and started with a project based on redux 0.12
A short snippet of the application init s…
Sentry Issue: [WORDPRESS-IOS-47HS](https://a8c.sentry.io/issues/4959528223/?referrer=github_integration)
**Symbolicated Stack Trace**
This error is located at:
in Unknown
in WithS…
### Generic Info
@redux-offline/redux-offline": "^2.5.1"
"react-native": "0.58.4",
"react-redux": "^6.0.0",
"redux": "^4.0.1",
"redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
"redux-thunk": "^2.3.0"
### …
koo27 updated
4 years ago
From @sikanhe notes :
you have some side effects in this action creator
Actions.updateScore = function updateScore(playerId, playerName) {
Meteor.call('players.update-score', playerId, functi…
Hey guys I cannot get this to work with configureStore() which is Redux's recommended way of working with fresh applications. Can someone provide an example of getting ```createStateSyncMiddleware()``…
Hi! My batch includes simple actions which return plain objects and also [thunks](https://github.com/gaearon/redux-thunk), which, in place, also can hold some batches. Is it planned to support thunks …