The recent push to 0.14.0 includes a change that seems to have messed with the performance of the pretrained models. Unfortunately, there were a lot of commits in that version push, so I'm not exactly…
Hi! Thank you for your great work! I have small question about voice conversion using `inference.py` or model itself in python shell
In the demo (https://hhguo.github.io/DemoEASVC/) there are the b…
I am using timbre_transfer.ipynb in colab
when outputting the audio in the Resynthesize Audio cell
it only outputs the Resynthesized audio, but I want the other decompositions as shown on this page …
Thank you so much for this awesome work. I am trying to uploda my audio to do timbre transfer in your model . However, when I implemented the colab demo and run the cell called 'Load a model',…
Aozhi updated
3 years ago
is there any way that the audio generated in timbre_transfer is polyphonic?
Is there a way to get real-time timbre transfer from a trained model? I managed to train the tiny model and the inference even on CPU is super quick (fractions of seconds) but the huge bottl…
Hello! First of all, thanks for the work - is incredible! 🥇
I think the last updates introduced some errors in the colab notebook for timbre transfer. When training, extracting the dataset statist…
I run timber_transfer.ipynb with the error below. Is it version issue?
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
7 outputs = model(af, trai…
Hi, thanks for this interesting library! Before diving into the code or looking for fixes I'd like to get an understanding of reveal's scope. I develop in emacs with cider so I'm using the nrepl middl…
The parent issue for this is #479.
In today's sound design meeting we discussed some possibilities for what sound to generate to represent the sounds moving in the wall. @emily-phet said that it s…