Thesis defense target: 21 June 2024. Survey target: end of July 2023.
Would like to have a fresh master thesis topic, not incremental improvement of other thesis work.
Starting roughly Q1 2023 or su…
firstly, it was hard to find Adafruit library for dht library in arduino ide, so to fix it:
**Adafruit_Unified_Sensor should be installed in arduino ide library manager**
secondly, i spent…
Hi, I'm trying to use your library for TinyML in the Arduino Uno.
I have a pre-trained autoencoder model with multiple biases per layer.
Do you have an example on how to use this for the library? I…
Trying to run the hello_world example with bazel ("bazel build tensorflow/lite/micro/examples/hello_world:evaluate")
I get the following error:
ERROR: C:/users/userid/appdata/roaming/spb_data/_baz…
I am trying to do sound recognition (specifically, a cat meowing). My platform is the esp32-s3-eye. Is this the best library to use? I already have the TinyML model.
Hello, when I verify the code with the Teensy 4.1 board selected I get the following error:
In file included from c:\Users\Sebi\Documents\Arduino\libraries\EloquentTinyML\src\eloquent_tinyml\tensorfl…
SebyR updated
10 months ago
He followed his ArduinoFAQ.md step by step, installing Arduino 1.8.3. And following points 1.2.3 (dialout, chmod and modemmanager) for Linux Mint.
a- I want to load the sketch blink and the error is:…
### Issue type
### Have you reproduced the bug with TensorFlow Nightly?
### Source
### TensorFlow version
### Custom code
### OS platform and distribution
Arduino version: 1.8.19
Arduino nano 33 BLE board version: 2.6.1
```Arduino: 1.8.19 (Linux), Board: "Arduino Nano 33 BLE"
Invalid library found in /home/sanjeev/Arduino/libraries/arm_math: no …
Hi dev,
I'm trying to use TinyML fo my project. And when I compile my code , it gives me error :