I followed the instructions to create an Inbound Rule to allow TCP connections on ports 31400-31409, but when I test to see if the ports are listening through the Pi Node app, Malwarebytes blocks it, …
就是自建 myserver.com:443 作为trojan-go服务器
密码 ABCD1234
Windows anti-virus scanners will occasionally flag the Stripe CLI as containing a virus or trojan. This is very likely a false positive. We upload the binary to VirusTotal on every new release for ana…
Go binaries are more and more detected as false positive trojans by the (machine learning AI) of Microsoft Defender.
This makes it very difficult for developers to support and release binaries for …
42wim updated
4 months ago
执行编译源码时 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "$ldflags" -o "result/trojan-linux-amd64" .
web/web.go:16:12: pattern templates/*: no matching files found,想问下这个静态文件是放在哪个位置了,在trojan-web这个项目中也没有…
Ive good a few questions:
1.) when you run the trojan is there a possible way to deactivate it? (It should appear in the task manager right?)
2.) about the :) . Im fairly new to c++ (starting in sep…
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## 新换了一个服务器,用的腾讯云,环境ubuntu20.04,nginx,trojan-go0.5.1。之前使用亿速云服务器无问题,更换服务器之后出现无法连接。CDN代理已开启,网站主页可正常打开。…
1. 动态修改上传,下载限制 ,无效。。
/usr/bin/trojan-go -api-addr -api set -modify-profile -target-hash xxxxxxxxx -ip-limit 1 -upload-speed-li…
Windows Defender marks the `client_backend.exe` from the latest pre-release v0.1.0 as a Trojan:Win32/Bearfood.B!ml, right after downloading.
**Describe the bug【描述 bug】**
前情提要为#148,当时折腾了好久的回落才把伪装做的比较完美。后来继续优化配置,把回落从本地回环端口改为UDS,表现没问题(这里与性能无关,纯粹是为了netstat命令查看监听时少一些端口)。今天尝试加了个sendthrough,准备用V4出站,结果出问题了,[[listen]]内的最终回落失效,ssllabs测试结果是"http f…