I have a question XD, is it dumb to just put all humans to Zombies.txt😅
Regards Sinaj
this is just an example:
┌──(root💀my user)-[~/ufonet]
└─# ./ufonet -h
/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory
──(root💀my user)-[~/ufonet]
└─# ./ufonet --examples
/usr/bin/env: ‘python’…
The bot gets all the time Stuck on this..
Hi guys,
I've got a problem, everytime there are these errors, for example: cant connect to:yahoo
the same goes for the other search engines(bing and DuckDuckGo)
Does anyone know how to fix that?
[Error] [AI] You haven't [Zombies] to be extracted from: 'botnet/zombies.txt' -> [Aborting!]
[Info] [AI] [Control] Cannot retrieve [Aliens] from: 'botnet/aliens.txt' -> [Discarding!]
[Info] [AI] […
just a question
If I use ./ufonet --blackhole
[AI] Initiating void generation sequence...
[Error] [AI] Not 'abductions.txt.gz' file in /var/www/ufonet/…
3 different IPs, this server is either down or I'm being banned from using it on sight through different IPs. I'd like an explanation.
Every time i want to download Zombies It show this
[AI] Downloading list of [Zombies] from [Community] server ...
[AI] Trying [Blackhole] [Server]:
I cloned on cmd then I did cd ufonet and then if im doing ./ufonet I get error with pycurl lib it says couldnt install or get pycurl lib can I use on windows or is this error because its not w…