Uncommenting `sdcardsupport` with [serpente-core](https://github.com/technoblogy/serpente-core/) installed:
`'SDCARD_SS_PIN' was not declared in this scope`
Following these instructions: http://www.ulisp.com/show?2672#example_programs
I get the following error at line 1197 when I try to upload the ulisp-arm code to my BBC microbit: `'else' without a prev…
If you try and transfer more than about 384 characters via the serial interface it locks up, and the only solution is to unplug the USB cable.
The following program demonstrates the problem:
Unfortunately trace doesn't work correctly in the latest version of uLisp; will be fixed soon.
I am using the ESP8266 implementation of uLisp 2.7b. When I upgraded from 2.6a one of my functions broke with an "undefined function" error. It worked in 2.6.
Here is a simple function that recrea…
I am curious about WORKSPACESIZE being set to 8000... I am just figuring my way around ESP32, but it appears that there is 520k of SRAM and lots of flash...
Could you explain why it is not 64K or som…
I tried uploading the ulisp source to my arudino uno.
First, I uploaded a simple blinking program to test, arduino worked fine.
The upload got stuck in "Programmer not responding"
Now, both the O…
is there a way to add external ram support to MajorCore?
Making a list of all binaries, so we can check them off when they're done.
In the file "ulisp-msp430.ino" the function "I2Crestart()" uses a `Wire.endTransmission(true)`. That is a Stop. The parameter needs to be 'false' to omit a Stop and create a Repeated Start.