for example with stdnum both CHE394021985MWST and CHE394021985 MWST are valid.
But from Swiss govt office API CHE394021985MWST returns data validation error while CHE394021985 MWST works. So Space i…
What do we need from Production?
* products (unit is missing)
* product categories
* manofacturers
* product tags (action, discount, sale, homepage, ...)
* additional product attributes …
The total price of items in cart is incorrect while using 21% of VAT.
The image bellow shows an example of the issue (77.99€ instead of 78€) in a fresh Plone installation.
this correctly configured with simulation
Accepted with warnings
ZATCA Status
1. If i am adding discount getting error
const line_item: ZATCASimplifiedInvoiceLineItem = {
id: "1",
name: "TEST NAME",
quantity: 5,
tax_exclusive_price: 10,
VAT_percent: …
In case you didn't see it, [we've released conditional fields](https://github.com/sanity-io/sanity/releases/tag/v2.17.0)!
…however, the current implementation does not support an async `hidden` cal…
@prefix at: .
@prefix cim: .
@prefix dcat: .
@prefix eic: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix skos: .
rdf:type skos:Concept ;
This ticket documents a design that should allow swingset to execute deliveries on multiple vats in parallel, continuously (even while the kernel is not inside a `controller.run()`, such as during the…
## Problem
Many times when we have strings (and also numbers) in a database, it's not just any string that's a valid value. Instead it's a subset of all strings that are valid values for that colum…
Hi, I use Vies API to validate vats, but since I can't make a large number of requests, I keep the data in the cache every 60 days. But this is a long time and I need an API that is always updated. do…