Helping the team ship better code, faster, by incorporating fully-configurable static analysis into the development workflow is a key part of a lot of open-source projects. Improved code quality means…
In #588 we created merge driver in Bash for Linux/Mac and in PHP for Windows. On Windows, there is a significant difference between time required to merge without custom merge driver (9.5 seconds) and…
During the past two years, I have spent most of my time in TypeScript and going back to PHP feels... not very pleasant to be honest. We can't do much about the language but we could modernize our code…
## Feature Request
- [x] Yes, I reviewed the [contribution guidelines](https://make.wordpress.org/cli/handbook/contributing/).
**Describe your use case and the problem you are facing**
I'd li…
In staging and other multi-environment scenarios, it would be useful to have certain options (and other entities in general) environment-specific. For example, `blog_public` should be `0` in staging b…
Users can make changes in Customizer (change theme, styling, etc), copy URL of these changes with parameter `changeset_uuid=ee56fbfc-c7bb-43f7-870e-e4beb0e45b05` (without saving changes) and share it …
During VP testing I found two related features which could be very helpful for users:
1) I would like to mark some commits as important. When I change some important settings, I want to mark this com…
I get this error when trying to run Selenium test case with your reporter:
Error: Call to undefined method PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException::getPreviousWrapped() in /opt…
# Yarn vs. npm vs. pnpm
Inspirován zápiskem https://orta.io/notes/js/yarn-vs-npm, rád bych si taky poznamenal, jak se v roce 2021 dívám na situaci kolem JS package managerů.
## Úvodem
In #118 we've considered doing this using the action API. However, I also wanted to explore doing this at a much lower level instead. So this ticket is to explore that. Ultimately what we have in mind…