##### 安装 webpack-bundle-analyzer 分析打包后的文件
const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer').BundleAnalyzerPlugin;
new BundleAnalyzerPlugin()
##### 分析发现antd的包太大,可以采用按需加载
Try to reduce the usage of third party libraries to decrease the bundle size.
Bundle should also be gzipped.
The option you provide does not work because you still require the axe script therefore webpack bundles it in production build. Would be great if you optimize this, maybe use a GatsbyAPI hook to provi…
Currently, importing `styled-components/native` in a react-native-web projects does import a lot from react-native-web because there is a [`require('react-native');`](https://github.com/styl…
- Make `examples` depend on `dist` (rather than bundling it)
- Figure out why Webpack spits out such big bundles and how to make them tiny.
- Stripping out all non-license comments is probably a goo…
这里列出的所有工具我试了个遍,其中最著名的是 webpack-bundle-analyzer。但是给的结果里只会告诉你chunk里有ABCD四个东西,至于是谁引用的,只能自己去悟,悟不到就抱歉了。
相比之下 [webpack-stats-viewer](htt…
We would like to avoid confusion like we have in https://github.com/webpack-contrib/webpack-bundle-analyzer/issues/185
We could document `statsFilename` and `reportFilename` options allowing the us…
The webpack output is 16 MB. That's really too much!
We need to understand why it's so large and seeing if there are any low-hanging fruits to reduce the bundle size. See https://github.com/webpack…
This is an idea I've had in passing a few times, but keep forgetting to document it:
- https://medium.com/@songawee/long-term-caching-using-webpack-records-9ed9737d96f2
- > there are many factor…