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### ⚠️ 搜索issues中是否已存在类似问题
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This repo is aim to add a function to wechat using ios reverse engineering.
Learn from http://yulingtianxia.com/blog/2017/02/28/Make-WeChat-Great-Again/?utm_source=gank.io&utm_medium=email
Congratulations on the results of your paper! However, I have a question regarding its implementation. I've successfully compiled the method you proposed and found the necessary libraries within my An…
2020-09-09 11:57:04.824 Clutch[935:9578] command: Dump specified bundleID into .ipa file
com.tencent.xin contains watchOS 2 compatible application…
Hey there... Just wondering if you have plans to upgrade this to the new v3 SDK? In the new SDK you're WeChatBot would become a WeChatConnector for the new UniversalBot class and it should be way sim…
在mac下成功安装,中间遇到一些小问题,总结一下,帮助后面的小伙伴,我的mac osx 版本10.10.5。
可以用这个命令指定版本:`virtualenv -p python2.7 venv`
### Describe the bug
Support for Mini Programs such as GCash, Alipay & WeChat.
It almost works since the Mini Program supports ES6/ES2015, however, this library uses `window` which is one of the…
- 使用版本:react-native 0.63.2 + xcode 11.6,配置环境IOS开发环境
- 问题一:`react-native link react-native-wechat-lib`,按文档[Build Setup for iOS
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/junifer/Downloads/MessageDisplayKit-master/Example/MessageDisplayKitWeChatExample/MessageDisplayKitWeChatExample/Vendor/MessageDisplayKit/MessageDisplayKit.framework/…